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I’ve always looked forward to February 14th and giving valentines to my friends. This list of 60+ non candy Valentines has something for everyone with many free printables and cute gift ideas.  

Non Candy Valentines

With so many classrooms celebrating this day a lot of schools have gotten more specific on what is allowed to be given. Of course we all love those adorable sweets and food valentines, but due to allergies a lot of places have decided on no food valentines, and no candy valentines, so this list brings you a little bit of fun with some different ideas. 

Free Printable Valentines

I love that so many of these are free printables, and that makes pulling together some last minute Valentines a lot easier. As much as I love preparing for the holiday it seems like February 14th always comes quicker than I thought it would.  

With so many different non candy Valentine options I hope you were able to find one that works for you, and Happy Valentine’s Day! 

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