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Rainy days can sometimes make you feel down, so I wanted to create an umbrella that made me smile and look forward to a brighter day and one thing that always does this for me is Disney so I made a Disney Balloon Umbrella using my Cricut.

Disney Balloon Umbrella with CricutWe all know those classic Disney balloons as you walk around the park. You see them tied to strollers, lighting up Main Street and people even grabbing beautiful photos holding on to the fun. They are colorful and represent our favorite mouse so I decided to come up with a way to continue to enjoy the fun and I don’t have to worry about them popping by putting them on an umbrella.

Disney Balloon Umbrella Supplies:

Disney Balloon Umbrella Instructions:

  1. Open Cricut Design Studio and Insert Image. I used the Balloon from the Create a Critter cartridge. it’s also available if you have access. I removed the top 2 layers (orange and brown) by clicking on the eye on the right.
  2. Insert shape. I added 2 circles to the image as the ears.
  3. I selected all 3 items and Welded them together using the button on the right
  4. Once the initial one is complete I copied it to make others and resized if needed.
  5. In order to get 4 (2 big and 2 small) to fit on the page I moved them around and flipped them. Once I had it within the 12×12 I selected all and attached them. This way when I went to cut they would be in these spots on the mat.

How to make a Disney Balloon Umbrella with Cricut

  1. It’s time to cut. Make sure the dial on your machine is set to vinyl
  2.  Click Go on the bottom right, Insert vinyl face up into in the machine and hit cut. Repeat for each color. I used 5 colors total.
  3. Weed the excess vinyl
  4. I cut each balloon out so I could figure out my patterns for the balloon (Tip: Don’t tape to the umbrella it leaves sticky marks that are impossible to get off)
  5. I made sure the umbrella was cleaned both inside and outside before applying anything to it.
  6. I applied each balloon to the inside of the umbrella by peeling back the paper. I did this on the inside so it would last.
  7. Have fun with your placement. Some balloons overlap a little, some are straight some are crooked.
  8. Leave the umbrella open for a day or 2. You want to make sure the vinyl is on there good before you close it up.

Disney Balloon Umbrella DIY

I am so pleased with how this project turned out. I love that the balloons are placed differently and that it looks like they are floating away up to the sky. This umbrella will totally make you smile on a rainy day.

Disney Balloon Umbrella DIYIt doesn’t matter if you’re thinking about memories of the past or planning what to do at Disney in your future you’ll be dry and ready for the day.

DIY Balloon Umbrella

What’s your favorite Disney balloon color?

Balloon Umbrella Disney DIY

Make sure you check out my other DIY Disney items:

DIY Family Disney shirts with CricutFamily Disney Shirt with Cricut

Fish Extender DIY Gift Idea Travel Treasure BoxesFish Extender Gift Idea Travel Treasures


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