Have you heard the song It’s Raining Tacos? Well my son loves it and sings it all the time, so I made him a It’s Raining Tacos costume.
Our Alexa is constantly being asked to “play songs to bug your parents” and the 1st one is It’s Raining Tacos. I’ll be honest though it doesn’t bug me and I often find myself in a big dance party with my son where we close our eyes and open our mouths to catch said tacos.
As I listened to the song for the 4,765,345 time it hit me. This would be a cute costume so off to work I went.
Supplies Needed:
Clear bubble umbrella
Vinyl (yellow, green, brown)
Felt (yellow, green, brown)
Iron on vinyl yellow
Hot glue gun
I picked a taco in Cricut design space and then did a little slicing so I didn’t have to use or layer vinyl. For the file in Cricut you can find it here. It’s Raining Tacos Costume.
When all the vinyl pieces were cut and weeded I put them on the umbrella. I decided to do 16 tacos (2 for each panel in the umbrella). I also cut out some sour cream drops because, why not! Note/Tip: I think it’s best to add these to the inside of the umbrella.
Then I decided I needed hanging tacos so I cut out ones from felt and hot glued them together. Added a piece of ribbon and then hot glued it on the umbrella. I only did 4 because I didn’t want them to get tangled.
Once I was finished I knew I needed to make a shirt. Just in case someone was unfamiliar with the song or video and was wondering what was happening with this tacos.
Overall I love how it came out and my son just adores it. It took me a little over an hour to make the whole thing and I like that it was a no-sew costume that can also be used again. I mean who doesn’t want to carry around an umbrella with tacos all over it!
Check out some of my other DIY costumes: