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For us visiting Universal Studios was all about exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and getting a wand. Making this Today the Wand chooses me shirt with my Cricut was a special way of showing we had an upcoming wizard in the family.

Today the Wand Chooses MeIf you’re going to Universal take a moment to learn about the wand choosing experience. We were lucky on our 1st trip that our daughter had a wand choose her, and were hopefully that when we returned our son would have the same experience, but knew is was possible that he wouldn’t be chosen.

Today the wand chooses me shirt

Today the Wand Chooses me shirt

We talked about how the wand maker makes the choice, and thought by making this shirt it would be a good way to let them know that we are hopeful that today would be the day.

As we waited in line we were excited, we went back into the room and sadly he wasn’t picked, but Uncle was. We did some prep that he may not be chosen and that’s okay, we were still going to get a wand.

Vine Wand from OllivandersAs we picked out his wand this gave us the chance to really get to know what each wand represents and the type of person that he is.

As we walked around the park he got so many compliments on his shirt, and was quick to say that it wasn’t his time to have a wand choose him, but we’ll be back.

Wand Core reading at Universal Orlando

What really made the day was when a cast member wizard asked us if we knew the core of his wand. We didn’t and she recommended that we see if a wand maker was available for a core reading. She mentioned that this is something that can be done on less crowded days.

As we waited in line to see if a wand maker was available I could see the excitement on his face. The core reading was magical and so special because if was just us and a wand maker.

While our day may have started with some disappointment it ended up being so magical. The pride and excitement he had telling everyone about his wand was something that brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful that wizard recommended we ask for a core reading at Ollivanders, and it was all because she asked about his shirt.

Today the Wand Chooses Me shirt for Universal StudiosBeing able to make fun shirts with my Cricut has opened up conversations and opportunities I would never have imagined. I’m so thankful that I can make shirts that are unique and different.

Have you ever have your wand core read?

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