Love is in the air and in our hearts, and it means it’s time to starting planning Valentines, and I’ve made the cutest free printable Valentine: You Color my Heart to give to friends with a fun rainbow pencil.
Between the 100th day of school shirts (100 Sweet Days, 100 Magical Days) and Valentine’s Day there’s always something to work on and I want to keep it easy for you, so I made this easy to print and free Valentine.
Non-Candy Valentines
I know our school has a no candy policy for Valentines, and I try real hard to think of something unique, different and useful to give, and when I saw these rainbow pencils I thought that’s perfect.
You Color my Heart Valentine
I wanted to make something where the kids could use the rainbow pencil to color, and to me hearts are what Valentine’s Day is all about, so I thought it would be fun to color the heart and see how the pencil brings all the colors to the heart.
Free Printable Valentine
I’ve got the Free Printable available for you: You Color My Heart. There are 6 cards on a sheet and I suggest you print on white cardstock in order to make the Valentine sturdy.
I also recommend getting washi tape to tape the pencils in place. If you’re ordering the same rainbow pencils that I used please note they are a triangular shape, which is great to keep pencils from rolling off the table.
Valentine Ideas for the Classroom
A fun tip for you, when signing Valentines. For younger kids do a few a day, so they can practice writing their name. If you’re giving to a classroom don’t address the Valentines, it makes it easier for the kids and teachers so they can just drop the Valentine in the box and move on.
I just love the multicolor pencils!! So original for the Valentines