As a kid growing up there was nothing more exciting then finding out it was going to snow. I have great memories of building snowmen, ice skating in my driveway, and snowball fights with my brother and friends, but one of my favorite things was my Mom making snow cream, and I’m sharing this easy and fun Hot to make snow cream recipe.
Snow Cream recipe
We have lots of other snow day traditions. How we get ready for the snow with our Snow Day Tradition and then some Hot Chocolate Spoons and there’s Snow Cones with Homemade Snow cone syrup, and we always play a ton of games and cozy up with blankets and watch a movie. So it’s no surprise when you hear a storm is coming the fastest things to fly off the shelf are bread and milk. And a friend asked my one time why milk so I told her to make snow cream of course.
How to make Snow Cream
Step 1: Combine Milk, sugar and vanilla into a bowl
Step 2: Get 4-6 cups of fresh white snow and stir into the bowl
With all the snow we’re getting I decided to let my kids help make and enjoy this special treat, and I’m looking forward to keeping this traditional alive.
Did you grow up eating snow cream? How do you eat it plain or with toppings?
Don’t forget to check out my other post:
This post was originally published on February 13th, 2014
We always had this with a second snow . Close the first, I suppose my parents thought that there were air pollution and trash in the air they just wouldn’t let us eat it, we always had it plain nothing added on top. Great memories and traditions.
That’s funny. I feel like my mom may have said the same thing to us, about the 2nd snow. I totally forgot till you mentioned it.